My Teaching

Courses Taught

ESD.960 Lean Six Sigma Processes Workshop—pilot test of a master’s-level class for the MIT Leaders for Global Operations program using a novel teaching simulation for hands-on skill development for value stream mapping and related lean improvement techniques. Students are exposed to principles of lean product development, with the application of lean tools to product development systems.  Taught Summer 2008. 

 15.340J/ESD.340J Seminar in Social Science Research Methods—master’s level class teaching social science research methods to primarily engineering students to enable them to conduct thesis research in organizational and system-level settings.  Taught 1997-2005. 

 PI.211s LAI Lean Academy Seminar: Engineering—MIT Professional Institute Summer short course covering principles of lean product development and skill development exercises.  Primary attendees are mid-level of higher engineers and engineering managers from industry and government organizations.  Taught 2008-2010.

 Lean Enterprise Value Short Course—3 day professional education course intended primarily for members of the LAI consortium, including managers and change agents.  Makes the primary messages of the book Lean Enterprise Value accessible through an interactive simulation that teaches concepts, change management skills, and social/managerial insights.  Taught 2004, 2005, and 2006 (variants offered from 2003-2006 through consulting activities.)

 Lean Enterprise Product Development Short Course—2 day professional education course intended primarily for members of the LAI consortium, including engineering managers and engineers.  Introduces lean concepts for product development through an interactive simulation that teaches PD system concepts, process diagnosis and improvement skills, and social/managerial insights.  Taught 2007 (several variants offered from 2006-2008 through consulting activities.)


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