Simulation-based Learning

I have co-developed and have delivered simulation-based training for over 10 years.  A number of companies have adopted versions of the training, including the simulations, for use in their own internal lean training programs.  The training encompasses a range of function areas in organizations, including manufacturing, engineering and product development, supply chain management, and integrated enterprise operations.

Here is an overview of the specific simulations that form the backbone of these learning experiences:

Rebentisch, Eric S., and McManus, Hugh L., “Lean Enterprise Value Simulation”.  A simulation-based suite of training tools and lectures that conveys advanced lean enterprise architecting and change concepts.  Used in and adopted by Industry and Government organizations in the US aerospace industry for advanced lean training.  1993-present (official release versions 1.0, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.0, and 2.1).

Rebentisch, Eric S., and McManus, Hugh L., “Lean Enterprise Product Development Simulation”.  A simulation-based suite of training tools and lectures that teaches principles of lean product development, including the design of lean product development systems.  Used in and adopted by organizations in the US andUK aerospace industry for lean training for engineers.  2006-present (official release versions 1.0, 2.2, and 2.3).

You can read more about these simulation-based-learning experiences at

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